Farm assurance scheme to be ripped up and reviewed after being branded 'outdated' by NFU

The National Farmers’ Union (NFU) and the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) have announced the next steps for a jointly-run independent review of farm to fork assurance.

Both organisations say that they believe now is the right time to conduct a robust and transparent review to make sure that assurance schemes are fit for purpose in the modern farming environment, for both their members and for home and international markets.

The review, which will seek to capture views from across the whole industry, including farmers, growers, merchants and processors, will examine a spectrum of issues such as how farm assurance can deliver value back to scheme members; how standards are developed to meet the evolving needs of members, the markets they serve, sector diversity and in appreciation of the global marketplace; how assurance members are engaged with (including the development of standards), inspected and how technology is used in assurance now and in future; and how assurance schemes can and should fit with regulation and government schemes to best serve members.

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The row over the Red Tractor schemes will also form part of the discussions, given that it is the most dominant assurance scheme amongst several sectors, and both the NFU and AHDB agree that, as it is almost 25 years since the creation of Red Tractor, there is a need to step back and ask some fundamental questions about all farm assurance schemes to ensure the needs of farmers are met.

Farmers harvest the wheat in fields close to Thixendale in the Yorkshire Wolds. The National Farmers’ Union (NFU) and the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) have announced the next steps for a jointly run independent review of farm to fork assurance. Both organisations believe now is the right time to conduct a robust and transparent review to ensure assurance schemes are fit for purpose in the modern farming environment.
Technical details Nikon D850, 24-70 mm lens shot with the exposure 1/500th of a second at  f9, 64 ISO. Picture Tony JohnsonFarmers harvest the wheat in fields close to Thixendale in the Yorkshire Wolds. The National Farmers’ Union (NFU) and the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) have announced the next steps for a jointly run independent review of farm to fork assurance. Both organisations believe now is the right time to conduct a robust and transparent review to ensure assurance schemes are fit for purpose in the modern farming environment.
Technical details Nikon D850, 24-70 mm lens shot with the exposure 1/500th of a second at  f9, 64 ISO. Picture Tony Johnson
Farmers harvest the wheat in fields close to Thixendale in the Yorkshire Wolds. The National Farmers’ Union (NFU) and the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) have announced the next steps for a jointly run independent review of farm to fork assurance. Both organisations believe now is the right time to conduct a robust and transparent review to ensure assurance schemes are fit for purpose in the modern farming environment. Technical details Nikon D850, 24-70 mm lens shot with the exposure 1/500th of a second at f9, 64 ISO. Picture Tony Johnson

NFU President Minette Batters said: “The world is very different to the way it was when farm assurance schemes started in the UK some 25 years ago, not least thanks to huge changes in the way food is produced, coupled with increased interest from consumers about where their food comes from.

“It’s time for change. Farmers and growers don’t feel that many schemes currently work for them. This review will see us go back to basics to look at the future of assurance and I would encourage the entire industry to positively engage with it.

“Food safety, branding, provenance, differing sector needs and sustainability are just some areas that farm assurance is trying to address. It is right to ask how these areas can be delivered without giving away value from the farm gate.”

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The next steps include appointing an independent commission to oversee the review and ensure full transparency and the opportunity for farmers and industry to have their say.

AHDB is also conducting two additional pieces of work to provide independent insight into assurance schemes, how they operate and why they are needed.

In the beef and lamb sector, it will explore how domestic farm standards compare with international competitors. The first stage of this work will be complete by the end of March 2024.

In the cereals and seeds sector, AHDB will set out what assurance covers and how it currently works for the different supply sources into the market. It is developing the terms of reference for this, working with industry, and expects that this work will be complete by next summer.

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AHDB Chair Nicholas Saphir added: “We are consistent in stating that it is vital that the reputation of levy payers' produce is maintained by assurance and where relevant, audits, to underpin the work we do on behalf of the industry in regard to promotion in the home and export markets.

“This independent evidence based review will allow us all to understand and address the future needs and opportunities that assurance has to play for the successful future of our industry.”

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