How to create the perfect home office

Desk by Black by DesignDesk by Black by Design
Desk by Black by Design
With working from home so much more than a lifestyle choice, juggling a work life balance has its challenges and depending on your set-up, where we seat ourselves is at the heart of the matter.As George Clarke, architect, TV presenter and lecturer puts it: “In today’s evolving work landscape, the home office space has become a vital sanctuary for productivity.

“A well-designed space is not only about aesthetics, but one that is designed with productivity in mind.

“The design process should combine style and functionality, setting the tone for enhanced performance and work ability. The home office space is a powerful tool that can elevate our professional output; therefore its design should reflect that.”

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How to position your desk for the best lighting: The position of your desk really depends on the activity you’re carrying out and your personal preference for what you want to see while sitting at your desk, says George.

“For example, I have two desk positions at home. One is for when I’m sketching and drawing architectural plans, the other is when I’m sitting at a computer, writing, or editing photographs.

“My desk for sketching sits in the middle of my home office space, where I get a nice view out to my garden, getting lots of natural light.”

“Then there is my smaller desk area for my desktop computer. This desk area is actually a section of worktop built in up against the wall.

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“In many ways, it doesn’t really matter about the position of a desk like this as you’re often facing a big screen and facing a wall, but it’s still nice to get some kind out view left or right for your screen.”

George says he can look out of his garden which gives a bit of relief from staring at a computer screen for hours.

“The desk being integrated against a wall provides all of your power points and data cable routes to link up with your computer, so it’s all very practical.”

He notes that everyone works differently but if your home work space is small then you should do the following:

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