‘As a die-hard romantic, I shall wish the couple all that life and love have to offer’

By the time tomorrow comes to a close, two billion people – a quarter of the world’s population – are expected to have tuned into the Royal wedding. As coverage of the event goes into overdrive, Sarah Freeman speaks to royalists and republicans about their plans and hopes for the big day ahead.

Milly Johnson

I love a good party and I’m all for making few memories, so yes, I’ll be joining in with the celebrations, “oohing”’ along with the nation at the big frock and generally enjoying the throng.

Yes, we’ll have flags and hats and yes, we’ll have union jack buns and probably paint our faces because it’ll be fun. At least to me it will; my sons will probably look at me in that ‘she’s insane’ way that I’ve become accustomed to over the years.

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My hair is presently dyed blue for my new book launch (it’s a story about the sea), so it makes royal sense to have a bit of red and white to complement the colour scheme – in the form of wine, obviously.

I think it’s my solemn patriotic duty to toast their nuptials in time-honoured tradition. We won’t be having jellied eels or boiled beef and carrots – but I shall make a traditional roast beef dinner that day. I just need to hire a bulldog and a pearly king and we’re sorted.

I can’t say that I’m the world’s staunchest monarchist but as a die-hard romantic I’ll be cheering on the gorgeous young couple and wishing them the very best that life and love have to offer.

Barnsley author, Milly Johnson’s latest book Here Come the Girls is out now.

Wayne Hemingway

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I definitely won’t be watching. I don’t mind the Royal Family, but I wouldn’t watch anyone’s wedding on television unless it was my own daughter’s, so I see no reason to change the rules for Will and Kate.

One of my children will be at school that day, so for me it will be a normal day catching up with emails and getting ready for Vintage at Goodwood, which celebrates five decades of British design, fashion and art. So while, I might not be sat in front of the television, I will be indulged in a patriotic venture.

To be honest, I can’t see what all the fuss is about. However, what I do like is the fact that the Royal wedding it has inspired a lot of tongue in cheek creativity. On Friday night, there’s a White Wedding night in London featuring terrible dad dancing, lots of white stiletto heels and soft focus photography. I’ve also heard about a Feeling Gloomy divorce disco, which will be serving tea and sympathy throughout the day and that seems like a much more entertaining way to celebrate.

If you are a monarchist go ahead organise a street party and enjoy it. If you’re not, why not do something equally as fun but just a little bit subversive.