Five things to know about today's news in Yorkshire

Don't have time to read today's paper? We've got you covered. Photo credit s: Martin Rickett/PA Wire.Don't have time to read today's paper? We've got you covered. Photo credit s: Martin Rickett/PA Wire.
Don't have time to read today's paper? We've got you covered. Photo credit s: Martin Rickett/PA Wire.
Don't have the time to read the news in the morning?

No worries, here’s a review today’s key headlines in Yorkshire.

1. London’s split with North ‘to widen by £50bn’

A yawning North-South divide will mean that Yorkshire loses out on billions of pounds in economic growth to London and the South East, according to a new report. An economic divide between the region and the capital will widen by £50bn over the next decade, the joint UK Powerhouse report by law firm Irwin Mitchell and the Centre for Economic and Business Research (Cebr) warns. The prediction comes as oil and gas engineering firm OneSubsea considers ceasing manufacturing at its operation in Leeds next year, with the loss of up to 600 new jobs. The report claims that by 2026, London’s economy will expand by 16.3 per cent and that southern communities such as Milton Keynes and Cambridge will grow by 22 per cent.

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London's split with North '˜to widen by £50bn'

2. Lord Coe returns to celebrate the steel of champions

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Yesterday, one of the steel city’s most famous sporting sons, Lord Coe, returned home to see how Sheffield is promoting health, wellbeing and sporting excellence through legacy of the 2012 Olympic games, which he helped bring to the UK. The double 1500m Olympic champion came yesterday to celebrate the world-class athletes that Sheffield has helped on their way to greatness - including himself. He was shown around the 35-acre Olympic Legacy Park - the biggest London 2012 legacy project of its kind in Europe. In the afternoon, Lord Coe officially opened the new £16m Graves health and Sports Centre which has swimming pools, tennis courts, fitness studios and a gymnastics and trampolining centre.

Read more in today’s Yorkshire Post

3. Two line up to take Ukip role as leader resigns

Ukip’s Migration spokesman Steven Woolfe and Nigel Farage’s former chief adviser, Raheem Kassam, are the first contenders to throw their hats into the ring for the Ukip leadership contest. The two men are bidding to replace Diane James, who quit after just 18 days as leader on Tuesday. The announcements came as Nigel Farage confirmed that he would be carrying on as interim leader until a permanent successor was in place - prompting a furious row within the party. Mr Kassam had backed Mr Woolfe in their last leadership election, only for Mr Woolfe to be barred from standing after submitting his nomination papers 17 minutes late.

4. Why frustrated parents want to buy a car park

The hazards of the school run - and the resulting traffic nightmare - have been well documented with schools across the country drawing up ‘safety charters’ and even introducing outright driving bans. Now, a group of frustrated parents in a North Yorkshire village have taken matters into their own hands and come up with a novel idea - to buy their own car park. THe church and village of Sharow, near Ripon, has rallied and, with the support of Heritage Lottery grants, secured a £100,000 space for a community car park. Now, parents have set up a crowdfunding page to source the final £30,000.

5. ‘This is a bold plan for a united Britain, rooted in centre ground’

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Prime Minister Theresa May claimed a mandate for a crusade against vested interests yesterday as she promised to create a fairer Britain. Mrs May described the European Union referendum result in June as a “quiet revolution” that should trigger a much broader change than Brexit. The Prime Minister has faced pressure to call a general election given that voters elected the Conservatives on the basis of their 2015 manifesto and with David Cameron as leader. But Mrs May used her closing speech at the Conservative Party conference to argue that the people had delivered a clear message in the EU referendum.