Chris Moncrieff: Lumbered with Miliband, Labour grows restless

IT is not panic stations yet, but alarm bells are certainly starting to ring in the ears of Ed Miliband, the Labour leader.

Just look at the scenario: the Conservatives have edged ahead in the opinion polls, the potency of Ukip’s electoral impact will become clearer when the results of the local and European elections are declared, and worst of all, there is growing disquiet and unease among the Labour party rank-and-file about the performance of the party leadership. Some are already saying openly that they elected the wrong man to succeed Gordon Brown.

And this final problem will simply not go away. The ludicrous rules governing Labour Party leadership election processes meant that Miliband was given the job on a plate by the trade unions and not by the politicians with whom he has to work cheek by jowl, day by day. It is beyond belief that the Labour Party hierarchy has done nothing to remedy this glaring anomaly.

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