Don't blame US for this 'wretched' treaty saga

THE Extradition Treaty between the United States and Britain doesn't have a lot of friends. There are relentless campaigns against it. Tory MEP Daniel Hannan says the extradition of Gary McKinnon for hacking into top secret US defence computers is a "wretched saga".

Boris Johnson, shy as always, says the US is bullying, Britain is spineless, and the entire affair is "neo-con lunacy." Even David Blunkett now says the treaty may have given away too much.

Well, slow down. McKinnon has defenders because the British love an eccentric. But in 2005, before he grasped the redemptive power of eccentricity, he said that he hacked into US government computers "to screw the Americans" and to reveal the truth about 9/11. You can believe what you want to, but when you start messing around in other people's computers to prove your point, you have crossed the line from eccentricity into criminality.

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