AN UNCOMPROMISING Theresa May has declared that she means 'business' after finally setting out the timetable for Britain's exit from the European Union.

Tory leader Theresa May set out her Brexit timetable in her first party conference speech as Prime Minister.Tory leader Theresa May set out her Brexit timetable in her first party conference speech as Prime Minister.
Tory leader Theresa May set out her Brexit timetable in her first party conference speech as Prime Minister.
The Prime Minister also warned that she would not allow Scotland's 'divisive nationalists' to undermine the United Kingdom as she confirmed that Article 50 will be triggered by the end of next March.The announcement paves the way for Brexit to take place by the summer of 2019 - a year ahead of the scheduled date of the next general election.In her first party conference speech as Conservative leader, Mrs May also said that the next Queen's Speech will include a Great Repeal Bill which will give Parliament total jurisdiction to determine new laws.However she confirmed that existing EU employment legislation protecting the legal rights of workers 'will continue to be guaranteed in law' for 'as long as I am Prime Minister'.This well received speech also made clear that the Government will uphold the result of the June 23 referendum '“ and that there would not be a vote in both Houses of Parliament before two years of negotiations with the European Union after the formal tabling of Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty.Mrs May confirmed that Attorney General will represent the Government in the High Court next week when advocates of Britain's continued membership of the EU will attempt to delay the political process.'People who argue that Article 50 can only be triggered after agreement in both Houses of Parliament are not standing up for democracy, they're trying to subvert it,' declared Mrs May. 'They're not trying to get Brexit right, they're trying to kill it by delaying it. They are insulting the intelligence of the British people. That is why, next week, I can tell you that the Attorney General himself, Jeremy Wright, will act for the Government and resist them in the courts.'Likewise, the negotiations between the United Kingdom and the European Union are the responsibility of the Government and nobody else. Because we voted in the referendum as one United Kingdom, we will negotiate as one United Kingdom, and we will leave the European Union as one United Kingdom. There is no opt-out from Brexit.

No delays as Theresa May says she means ‘business’ over Brexit