YP Letters: Ask why we need so much more housing

What can be done to tackle Britain's housing shortage?What can be done to tackle Britain's housing shortage?
What can be done to tackle Britain's housing shortage?
From: Roger Crossley, Fall View, Silkstone, Barnsley.

WITH reference to Alex Morton’s article on housing (The Yorkshire Post, February 3), why is it that whenever you read about the housing crisis, there is never a reference to population growth, either nationally or worldwide? Why is this?

Surely the two are intrinsically linked? How many times have I read that ‘250,000 homes need to be built a year’? I would have thought that you need to qualify this by saying for how many years, based on statistics comparing ‘need’, and population growth.

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lso, are we being misled about the supposed lack of new building? I challenge anyone to travel along most arterial roads around our region. I think you will find that new housing estates are springing up fairly regularly. Obviously it is in quite a few people’s interest to keep on about housing shortage, but it is up to us to be sceptical, otherwise we, and our countryside, will just be rolled over.

From: Ralph Lennard, Plantation Gardens, Leeds.

RE hospital overcrowding. Of course they are full, so are the schools and the roads. Doesn’t anyone realise that we have three million more people living on our small island than we did 10 years ago? No wonder we are full!

From: CW Allman, Farsley.

TO all these people who are protesting about Donald Trump when our own country is in a bad state, why don’t they protest against our Government about the NHS and how it is being ruined?

Our elderly people are being treated like rubbish. Care homes being closed. All the food kitchens for the poor and employment and poor wages. This has not just started like Mr Trump. This started over five years ago when David Cameron and Nick Clegg got in.

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March to get Jeremy Hunt out of the NHS before he sells that off. And get local MPs to fight for the NHS and better care for the elderly and the future. We all grow old. So get your priorities right and fight for Britain. Let the Americans fight for America.

Give Trump a fair hearing

From: Terry Watson, Adel.

BRITAIN has had a long listing of inviting guests on state visits.

Robert Mugabe, President Mobutu of Zaire who embezzled £12bn, Nicolae Ceausescu of Romania who ended up being executed by his own people, Emperor Hirohito, the Second World War leader of Japan whose presence many Britons resented have all been welcomed. The Queen plays host to these visitors but invitations are initiated by Downing Street. Donald Trump expects the full treatment if he is allowed, and rightly so.

What hypocrisy from those signing the petition to ban Donald Trump. All he has done is to temporarily ban visits from certain countries to the US, one of his pre-election promises, which he is now honouring. Something unheard of in Britain.

From: Dai Woosnam, Scartho, Grimsby.

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EXCUSE me if I smile at John Bercow’s seemingly brave stand on behalf of womankind.

The man has been humiliated by his free-spirited wife, and wants to tell the Scots Nats and anyone else who will listen, that he is a right-on feminist.

He should now resign in disgrace at this gross insult to President Trump, a true Anglophile. This is how we Brits repay him for restoring the bust of Churchill to the Oval Office.

From Rod Smith, Grosmont.

INTERESTING to note that Donald Trump referred to a US judge as a “so-called” judge. I do hope that the judge concerned has issued a warrant for the arrest of one Donald Trump (so-called President of the USA) to answer a charge of contempt of court. Once tried and convicted, Trump would be unable to continue in office whilst a

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convicted offender in jail, thereby saving the world from any further lunatic rantings and enabling normal diplomacy to return to world politics.

Don’t tamper with majesty

From: Beryl Thompson, New Adel Gardens, Adel, Leeds.

I REALLY enjoyed reading Jane Dowle’s column “A royal rock...” but please do not insult Her Majesty by referring to her as “Her Royal Highness” (The Yorkshire Post, February 6). This seems to be a common mistake these days.

From: Meriel Best, Staveley, Knaresborough.

THE Queen is not addressed as Her Royal Highness, but Her Majesty. I am sure she would not like to think she has been demoted in her old age!

Playing a blinder

From: Peter Tummons, Railway Street, Slingsby, York.

THE column by Chris Waters on Fred Trueman (The Yorkshire Post, February 7) reminded of a possibly apocryphal story I heard. An Indian batsman, when facing Fred at his fiery best, asked the umpire if he could have the sight screen moved. In answer to the umpire’s question ‘Yes, where to?’ the batsman replied: “Between me and the bowler please.”

Another Legoland

From: Roger Cliff, Bramley.

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HERE we go again, a prime site like The Yorkshire Post’s former site on Wellington Street, Leeds, with west to east traffic passing just yards away. Poor design, no imagination, built like Lego with no shape.

We all want to see the site developed, but the City Plans Panel should have thrown 
this design back in their faces, and told them they can do a lot better than that.