YP Letters: Fox's claims about business and golf are undeserved

Liam Fox has been accused of insulting business executives by saying they play golf on Friday rather than chasing exports.Liam Fox has been accused of insulting business executives by saying they play golf on Friday rather than chasing exports.
Liam Fox has been accused of insulting business executives by saying they play golf on Friday rather than chasing exports.
From: H Marjorie Gill, Clarence Drive, Menston.

REGARDING International Trade Secretary Dr Liam Fox’s remarks about the laziness of British businessmen who play golf on a Friday afternoon, he can only be referring to those who have reached the boardroom (The Yorkshire Post, September 13).

Having experienced first-hand the activities of my father’s business which started with two machinists, a partner with no skills and himself, the worries are with such people 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

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Will we be able to get any orders? Will we be able to fulfil these orders? Will we be able to meet our debts?

Will the workers stay with us and will we be able to recruit more?

Will the machinery break down and will we (my father) be able to fix it?

Will we be able to invent new products which will sell? Will we be able to find more customers?