YP Letters: Second Brexit referendum would be an insult to Leave voters

What now for Brexit?What now for Brexit?
What now for Brexit?
From: Mervyn Jackson, Windmill Rise, Belper, Derbyshire.

JUSTINE Greening is highly respected in The Yorkshire Post but, for me, her credibility is diminished by her call for another referendum on Brexit.If that referendum were a choice between the Chequers Deal or No Deal it would be acceptable, but Ms Greening is suggesting a third choice of remaining in the EU, which would be a disgrace.

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She is a Remainer, as are the majority of MPs, which is why, as she puts it, Parliament can not deliver the referendum result.

My interpretation of her suggestion is ‘We in Parliament did not like your first vote so try again’. This is what the EU mandarins did to Denmark and Ireland and the latter had to have a third vote until they got it ‘right’.Is this what Justine Greening is hoping for? It is an insult to those who voted ‘Leave’.

From: Mike Smith, Birkby, Huddersfield.

THE Westminster bubble and all the gravy train beneficiaries were caught off guard at the first referendum. An analysis of the voting pattern shows a heavy Remainer concentration around those with likely financial interests such as ‘City boys’ and those feeding off them, or individuals simply enjoying the delights of Brussels. They are now on guard and will pull every trick to preserve their fiefdoms and they have control of the funds to do it. To counter a possible Remain result will depend how many ordinary mortals have stepped back and realised Remain takes us back to where we started, and asked themselves what they have gained from the last 40 years of EU membership? Even now, I have not seen a list of any credible identifiable benefits that square up with the funds we pay in.

From: Thomas Reed, Harrogate.

THERESA May met Nicola Sturgeon last week to discuss Brexit and other issues, but when was the last time she met Yorkshire leaders to assess the area’s economy – or the state of the trains? And what are our Tory MPs and Ministers doing to keep up the pressure being exerted by newspapers such as The Yorkshire Post on our behalf? I fear Andrew Jones, Harrogate’s MP, is too loyal for his own good.

From: Ann Picken, Scarborough.

IT’S reported David Davis could be an interim PM acceptable to Remainers and Leavers. Given his ineffectiveness as Brexit Secretary, I say stick with Theresa May.