YP Letters: Was Bercow right to speak out on Trump?

Donald Trump's state visit to Britain continues to cause controversy.Donald Trump's state visit to Britain continues to cause controversy.
Donald Trump's state visit to Britain continues to cause controversy.
From: Canon Michael Storey, Healey Wood Road, Brighouse.

THE US President, our Prime Minister and the Speaker of the House of Commons have all said things recently, and which they thought they had the legal right to say in their particular positions.

The US President presumed that he could decide who entered the United States. That’s an interesting one – an Englishman’s home is his castle – hence Mr Trump might have the right to decide who enters his country? I decide who enters my house.

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Our Prime Minister, rightly I think, has had to ask Parliament to decide on Article 50. Mr Bercow, I think, is quite out of order in deciding that Mr Trump should not be invited to speak to both Houses of Parliament.

Running alongside these three important people is the Queen, who seems always to make the right decision – perhaps Mr Trump, Mrs May and Mr Bercow could take a leaf out of the Queen’s book before opening their mouths?

From: Robert Holland, Skipton Road, Cononley, Keighley.

OUR Queen has given 65 years of wonderful service to this country. Is it reasonable to ask her, aged over 90, our constitutional Head of State, to give hospitality to the elected Head of State of the United States? He has repeatedly attacked the independent judiciary of his country, after he swore at his Inauguration to uphold its laws and constitution.

I suggest the Queen showed her principles in her 2016 Christmas broadcast to millions around the world. She quoted Mother Theresa who said we cannot all make large changes in the world, but millions of us can do small things for others in loving ways, and these will make a huge difference.

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The Queen said she had met many inspiring people who were helping others in small, loving ways. “I am a Christian,” said the Queen. “I believe this is right; we should act like this for others, including those who do not believe in the same things as we do.” Sadly Mr Trump would not agree with her last sentence.

However I conclude that the Queen is willing and able to meet this man who does not share her values. She will show him graciously how a Head of State can behave with respect for the constitution and for all in the country, including those of different faiths. Let us hope he will watch, listen and learn from her.

From: Harry Santiuste, Coningsburgh Road, Edenthorpe, Doncaster.

AFTER watching Harriet Harman MP hurl insults at Donald Trump, the democratically-elected President of the United Sates, I can understand why Gordon Brown refused to ever make her Deputy Prime Minister.

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I sincerely hope American companies trading with our country do not consider her attitude towards their Head of State to be typical of the British people. She does not bring credit to St Paul’s School for Girls, the University of York or the Labour Party with her undignified and undiplomatic behaviour.

From: Terry Palmer, South Lea Avenue, Hoyland, Barnsley.

THE supposed ‘impartial’ Speaker of the Commons John Bercow slates President Trump and says he should not be allowed to speak in Parliament.

John Bercow apparently had nothing to say on the visits and speeches in Parliament regarding Colombian President Juan Manuel Santo last year, Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2015 and German Chancellor Angela Merkel in 2014.

Of course all the Labour Party ‘Corbynistas’ were all cheering Bercow and waving their papers when he implied that Trump hated women.

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Is this the same Labour party that has never elected a female leader?

The same Labour party that allowed Momentum to hold 17 regional elections without any female candidates?

Hypocrisy and misogyny spring readily to mind.

They then have the nerve to criticise President Trump along with ‘impartial’ Speaker Bercow.

Come back (now crossbencher) Betty Boothroyd, all is forgiven!

From: Mr A Collier, Gordon Road, Bridlington.

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BEFORE Donald Trump was elected, he set out his pre-election manifesto. He was duly elected and is now instigating that manifesto.

He recognises that the Mexican cartels which flood drugs into America are hardly law-abiding citizens, so he wants to prevent a lot of it by building a wall which would be a deterrent. Who pays is still controversial.

Then, unlike this country, he recognises the threat that Islamist extremists can pose. The President said ‘America first’. Where is the person in this country who will stand up and state ‘UK first’?

From: Arthur Quarmby, Mill Moor Road, Meltham.

WHY does the rent-a-mob hate Donald Trump more than say Robert Mugabe? Is it simply politics -–Trump is right wing and so is the devil incarnate?

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But Britain has elected a right-wing government, and therefore rent-a-mob is (as always I suppose) at odds with the electorate of this country.

I think we should wait and see with Trump.

He may turn out to be a catastrophe – and there again he just might become an excellent President.

From: Dinesh Parker, Bishopthorpe Road, York.

CRITICS of President Trump must have forgotten the atrocities in Berlin, Paris, London, Madrid, New York, Nice, Brussels and so on. It is reasonable to identify who is entering a country, their motives and their connections. President Trump’s views are fully understandable.

From: Peter Hyde, Driffield.

JUST what difference do the anti-Trump protesters think thir actions will make to the actions of the President of the United States? I can tell them. Zero.